
I’m a jack-of-all-trades kind of gal whose time has been invested in science, writing, non-profits, gardening, crafting, and music. I thrive on learning and growing, so when I took up my crochet hook and sewing machine during a period of life marked by waiting, I ended up a blog!

I first taught myself to sew (with lots of help over the phone from my mom, books, and the internet itself) during graduate school (2006-7) when long-term deadlines made for a lack of short-term rewards. Sewing gift bags provided a quick fix of accomplishment in a mere 30 minutes! Then my friend Jen taught me to crochet in 2008 so I could recreate the crocheted afghans my grandmother had made and there was no looking back!

During my waiting season from 2010-2013, I started sewing again. It didn’t take long for my mom to suggest I share a table with her at a craft fair in the fall.  I decided to put the leftover merchandise for sale online at  Etsy and Bonanza.  Most of what I create is the result of research and experimentation, and I wanted to share those projects with the internet community that’s given so much back to me; that’s why I started zuzuberrycrafts.wordpress.com.

When I’m not crafting or thinking about crafting, I’m cooking or looking for new recipes, managing my expansive vegetable garden, getting some fresh air, taking stock photography pictures, developing my writing and editing skills, and sharing life with my favorite people – husband, son, cats, friends, and family included.


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